廠家出售大量全新二手管道疏通車 高壓清洗車 現車出售 支持貨
- Company:
- 富氏网络有限公司
- Authentication:
- Add:
- 九龙街道
- Contact:
- rise97(Mr.)
- Tel:
- Area:
- 浙江省-台州市
Service information
2. 外形尺寸6200×1980×2250(mm)
3. 上牌噸位:4T,上牌黃。
4. 沖洗系統配置:罐體有效容積4m3,採用進口意大利或者國產高壓柱塞泵,工作壓力為16Mpa,水泵揚程90m,流量為8m3/h,膠管長度為60m,配直衝或反沖共10個沖頭,泵取力方式為裝配夾心取力器,靠發動機動力取力,進水方式為罐體頂部進水或消防栓進水,帶洗管器。
所在地:山西 晉城交易地點:全國各地
聯繫人: 李經理 [ 商家 ]
手機:13884736433 (歸屬地:山東 濟寧)
公司:濟寧天吉環衛設備有限公司 已實名 進入店鋪
富氏二手 FS USEDRemind you:1) please verify the qualification of the other party during the transaction, and be careful about excessive publicity or promises!
2) any way of asking for deposit and remittance is risky, so beware of being deceived.
Tips: the information on this page is published by the members, the authenticity and legality of which is the responsibility of the publisher. The business website is only displayed for reference.