Müüa nelja kasutatud koputu
- Company:
- 富氏网络有限公司
- Authentication:
- Add:
- 九龙街道
- Contact:
- rise97(Mr.)
- Tel:
- Area:
- 浙江省-台州市
Service information
Müüa nelja kasutatud koputusmasinat madala hinnagaHind: lepinguline tingimus: 90% või rohkem
Asukoht: Wuxi, Jiangsu Trading Asukoht: üle kogu riigi
Kontaktisik: Lou Wenbin pärisnimega pärisnimega [äri]
Mobiiltelefon: 13373804546 WeChat sama mobiiltelefoni number (atribuut: Jinhua, Zhejiang)
Firma: Zhejiang Heshun materjalide ümbertöötlemine Sisenege poodi
富氏二手 FS USEDRemind you:1) please verify the qualification of the other party during the transaction, and be careful about excessive publicity or promises!
2) any way of asking for deposit and remittance is risky, so beware of being deceived.
Tips: the information on this page is published by the members, the authenticity and legality of which is the responsibility of the publisher. The business website is only displayed for reference.