德国WMW ZFWZ5000x50滚齿机
最大齿轮直径和模数:5000x50 mm
工作台直径:4000 mm
中心孔直径:800 mm
孔深:1500 mm
承重:60 t
滚刀头回转角度:195 度
滚刀轴至工作台距离:500/2800 (3000) mm
垂向移动:840-2540 mm
机器重:120000 kg
富氏二手 FS USEDRemind you:1) please verify the qualification of the other party during the transaction, and be careful about excessive publicity or promises!
2) any way of asking for deposit and remittance is risky, so beware of being deceived.