- Company:
- 富氏网络有限公司
- Authentication:
- Add:
- 九龙街道
- Contact:
- rise97(Mr.)
- Tel:
- Area:
- 浙江省-台州市
Service information
公司现有大量现货(超过120台)的二手各品牌工业机器人,机械手及机器人零配件出售!主要供应的产品型号有 瑞典ABB IRB6400 IRB4400 IRB2400 IRB1400 日本安川SV3 UP6 UP20 UP50 UP130 日本发那科M-20IA 德国库卡(KUKA) KR150 KR210.机器人成色新, 电控系统完整,能正常开机运行,并可现场开机运行调试,购本公司机器人,公司安排专业人员负责培训操作,到顾
所在地:辽宁 沈阳交易地点:全国各地
联系人: 鹏先生 [ 商家 ]
手机: (归属地:湖南 衡阳)
富氏二手 FS USEDRemind you:1) please verify the qualification of the other party during the transaction, and be careful about excessive publicity or promises!
2) any way of asking for deposit and remittance is risky, so beware of being deceived.
Tips: the information on this page is published by the members, the authenticity and legality of which is the responsibility of the publisher. The business website is only displayed for reference.