DSO5054A DSO3062A DSO3102A DPO4034B MSO4034B MSO4054B DPO4104B MSO4104B DPO5034 MSO5034 DPO5054 MSO505 DPO5104 MSO5104 DPO5204 MSO5204 DPO/DSA72004C MSO7200C DPO/DSA71604C DPO/DSA71254C MSO71254C DPO/DSA70804C MSO70804C DPO/DSA70604 MSO70604C Tektronix TDS7704B TDS7404B TDS7154B MSO70404C TDS1012B TDS 2012D TDS2022B TDS2024B TDS3012B TDS3014B TDS3032B TDS3034B TDS3052B TDS5054B TDS7104B TDS2014B DSO4054B MSO40 54622D
联系人: 付女士 [ 商家 ]
手机: (归属地:广东 深圳)
QQ: 306212729
富氏二手 FS USEDRemind you:1) please verify the qualification of the other party during the transaction, and be careful about excessive publicity or promises!
2) any way of asking for deposit and remittance is risky, so beware of being deceived.